Having a missing tooth (or more) doesn’t mean that you keep all your smiles to yourself for the rest of your life. This is a dental problem that can be easily remedied by experts today. And the good news is that there various cosmetic dental solutions you can choose from.
Dental implants are one of these teeth replacement options you can opt for. The best dental implant clinic in Dubai says that implants are highly recommended fixes since they are permanent and they actually feel and function like your real teeth. With proper care and maintenance, the implants can last you a lifetime, too.
Pre- And Post-Dental Implant Installation
Installing dental implants can be quite a complicated process. As such, it is important that you go to a dentist that is fully trained, qualified, and highly experienced with this type of dental procedure. To make the whole installation process safer and smoother, you need to carry out the necessary requirements prior to and after the procedure as well.
Dental implants specialists say that the pre-treatment procedure is nothing too complex because when clients are cleared for dental implants, they are already in the best condition, health-wise. The pre-treatment procedure, therefore, is simply focused on making the surgery as safe and comfortable as possible since possible complications may still arise.
For pre-treatment, patients need to follow these key tips:
Dental implants are one of these teeth replacement options you can opt for. The best dental implant clinic in Dubai says that implants are highly recommended fixes since they are permanent and they actually feel and function like your real teeth. With proper care and maintenance, the implants can last you a lifetime, too.
Pre- And Post-Dental Implant Installation
Installing dental implants can be quite a complicated process. As such, it is important that you go to a dentist that is fully trained, qualified, and highly experienced with this type of dental procedure. To make the whole installation process safer and smoother, you need to carry out the necessary requirements prior to and after the procedure as well.
Dental implants specialists say that the pre-treatment procedure is nothing too complex because when clients are cleared for dental implants, they are already in the best condition, health-wise. The pre-treatment procedure, therefore, is simply focused on making the surgery as safe and comfortable as possible since possible complications may still arise.
For pre-treatment, patients need to follow these key tips:

• Take the prescribed antibiotics as instructed a few days before the surgery as another preventative measure against infection.
• Eat a good and healthy breakfast on the day of the procedure. However, if you will undergo the procedure under IV sedation (which means that you would be asleep during surgery), you will have to fast. As such, you can’t eat anything after midnight, the night before the procedure. You can still drink some water though.
• Ask someone to bring you to the dental clinic and drive you home especially if you have chosen to be under IV sedation for the procedure. In general, it would be best to have someone drive you home after receiving dental implants whether or not you chose to be sedated since it’s just so much more comfortable and safer that way.
For post-treatment, here are some helpful tips worth following:
• Follow all provided instructions for care, such as taking pain relievers like codeine, hydrocodone or ibuprofen if there’s unbearable soreness.
• Use cold compress or drink cold water to manage bruises and swelling in and around your mouth.
• Brush and floss the implant tooth or teeth as advised by the dental hygienist. When the implant is new, practice oral hygiene with great care to prevent bleeding.
• Lastly, visit your dentist regularly or as needed to make sure that there are no complications.
By Gary Brown, a dentistry professor. He recommends reading more about the solutions offered by the best dental implant clinic in Dubai on the website Apa Aesthetic.